Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb

09.Oct.2009 Tiny motocross aces want race victories

THEY aren’t much bigger than their PW50 motorbike and yet Dexter and Jasper Luckes already have their sights set on racing stardom.

Dexter and Jasper, from Lawn, are already riding at just three and four years old, respectively, following in the footsteps of big sister Maddie, 11, Max, 13 and dad Alex, 44.

But it is the simple pleasures of the sport that keep the pint-sized pair hooked.

“When I drive fast all the water splashes up and I get muddy,” said Dexter, who rode his first mini-moto at just two years old.

“It is really fun and I really like it.”

Jasper, who hopes to race big brother Max one day, added: “We love getting dirty.”

Maddie, who started riding at five years old and has competed in the Girls’ British Motocross Championships, said she was stunned when she saw the tots ride for the first time.

She said: “They are both just so tiny.

They don’t seem big enough to ride but they love it – and they look so cute in all their gear and helmets.”

But the young bikers still have a way to go before they catch up with Max. The teenager has breathed racing since he first rode aged three and was spotted by race-wear company Lazer when he competed in the Western Beach Race on the Weston-super-Mare shoreline in 2007.

He plans to race alongside his dad at this year’s beach race on October 11.

“It would be great to ride all together one day,” said Max, who rides a Honda 250cc.

“But that doesn’t mean I’ll let the boys beat me. I want to be the champion in this family.”

Mum Sally, 41, believes the boys are among the youngest riders in the country.

She said: “They look like little aliens with their helmets on. They are adorable when they are all kitted up and they don’t half keep me busy with their muddy gear.

“But there was no stopping them when they finally picked up on the fact that Max, Maddie and Alex all raced.

“I think if you cut them in half they’d bleed motocross but it is nice that it is something we can all do as a family.”

Dexter and Jasper Luckes, front, in their motocross gear with their mini-moto bikes, dwarfed by the machine ridden by big brother Max and sister Maddie

Prominenz erinnert an Lo Bue

Der Ulmer Motorsport Club (UMC) richtet am Sonntag die vorletzten Rennen zur deutschen Pocket-Bike-Meisterschaft auf dem Iveco-Parkplatz im Donautal aus. Zum Gedenken an den verstorbenen Daniel Lo Bue reist jede Menge Prominenz an.

Die Veranstaltung dient dem Gedenken an Daniel Lo Bue, dem Pocket-Biker der ersten Stunde und Clubkameraden der UMC-Motorsportler, der am 19. Mai dieses Jahres seinen schweren Verletzungen nach dem Startunfall des Yamaha R6 Dunlop-Cup in Oschersleben erlag. Pocket-Biker von gestern und heute werden am Sonntag um 13 Uhr mit einer Gedächtnisfahrt seiner gedenken.

Viele alte Pocket-Bikes werden zu sehen sein, gefahren von Meistern und Könnern. Sandro Cortese, Marcel Schrötter, Daniel Kartheininiger, Tim Böhringer, Max Kappler und viele UMC-Pocket-Biker sind dabei, ebenso wie die großen und kleinen Rennfahrer aus der aktuellen Saison. Freunde und Sportkollegen aus anderen Rennserien haben ihr Kommen angekündigt.

Nach Training und Qualifying ab 8.30 Uhr ist der Auftakt der zehn Rennen zur DMSB-Pocket-Bike-Meisterschaft um 13.35 Uhr. Dominic Kammer (UMC) hat bislang alle sechs Rennen der Junior B-Klasse gewonnen und ist mit 150 Punkten auch die Nummer eins der Punkte-Tabelle. Nach vielen Trainingseinheiten wagt der Ulmer Pedro John den Renneinstieg auf seiner Heimstrecke.

“Back to the roots”

Bereits traditionell in der Rennklasse Senior B starten Oli Hoeger (UMC) und nach dem Motto “Back to the roots” tun dies auch die IDM-Straßenrennfahrer der 125er-Klasse Marcel Schrötter sowie Daniel Kartheininger – mit ihren obligatorischen Start-Nummern 77 und 22. Marcel Schrötter, der “Internationale Deutsche Motorradmeister” der 125-ccm-Klasse der Saison 2008 und in diesem Jahr, hat seinen ersten Meistertitel überhaupt im Jahr 2002 mit dem Pocket-Bike errungen. Vereinskamerad Daniel Kartheininger schloss dann im Jahr 2005 als Deutscher Pocket-Bike-Schülermeister an.

Mini Motos seized

Police in Great Harwood have seized and destroyed a mini moto after spotting two teenagers riding one in the town.

The 17 and 15 year olds were caught riding the bike on Alan Ramsbottom Way after they had travelled from Blackburn on the canal towpath.

As part of an ongoing crackdown on mini motos officers also seized another bike from a youth on Cross Street.

Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb

Police say they will not tolerate this type of nuisance and behaviour in the town.

Community Beat Manager PC Andy Sarchet said: “ Anti-social use of mini motos has been impacting heavily on the quality of life for many residents in Great Harwood and we will not tolerate this type of behaviour.

“ Not only do they cause a nuisance to members of the community, but they can also be extremely dangerous to other road users and pedestrians.”

Motorcycle event for Meath enthusiasts

Meath motorcycle racing enthusiasts will be interested in a new book which is available this week by Stephen Davison and will be launched next Saturday in Lusk, Co Dublin.

In his new book, Flying Finn, Stephen Davison charts the spectacular career of Martin Finnegan, one of Ireland’s most colourful and successful road racers.

Finnegan scored podium finishes at all of the world’s top road race meetings and won the Irish Senior championship.

The 28-year-old Lusk, Co Dublin rider burst on to the scene with a spectacular riding style that attracted a huge following of loyal fans.

Finnegan became Irish champion in 2004 before stepping onto the podium at all of the world’s major road races.

Tragically, he lost his life in a racing crash at the Tandragee 100 in May last year.

The official launch of Flying Finn will take place on Saaturday, 3rd October at St MacCullin’s Round Tower Church, Lusk from 11.00 am until 5.00 pm and the following Sunday, 11th October (1.30 – 5.00) at the Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre, Ballymoney, Co Antrim.

On each day a full line up of Martin’s race bikes, mini-moto replicas of the machines and a special photographic exhibition highlighting Martin’s spectacular career will be on display.

The new book Flying Finn will be on sale with the author, Stephen Davison, in attendance to sign copies.

The Finnegan family will attend both events.

The Flying Finn is available now through all major bookshops and at

* See next week’s Meath Chronicle for a competition to win a copy of this book.

Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb
Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb
Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb
Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb
Big Bear Choppers Rage 100 Smooth Carb
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