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charlietothaboy: the husky 125 looks shiiiiittttttt mate theres like a 12ft hole in the engine
dade9966: full power.
Paul Kreegi: what do you mean? they sell 11kw and 23 kw. So 11kw one has 15 hp. Btw do you know if there is any possibility to restrict/limit this 23 kw into 11 kw? pleeease aansswer
Teti20: how much?
Redknax: i hate that exhaust it looks so gay just hangin around there
mopedscootertuning: cost 4500 €
ollzax: Does the Rx or any of cross/enduro dires fit on sx 125?
trappato: Will das ding haben kannst du mir wohl deine email adresse geben. Mfg. Yannik D.
mopedscootertuning: max. km/h ca.140 it´s a very nice bike i have a lot of fun with the sx.
XownsZ: hey! I may have sx too. But they had 2 kind of versions of this bike 11kw and 16kw so is 16kw full power? or is it 22kw like in aprilia mx 125? (30ps)
marius11595: wenns nicht so weit weg wär würde ichse kaufen
Luigi Pesaro: