Kawasaki ZZR 250

Kawasaki ZZR 250

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HondaH100A: My one was a burgundy 1994 model (reg L946WOR). I wonder if it still out there. I bought it in January 2000 to replace my Kawasaki AR125.

I sold it in December 2001 and down graded to a Yamaha T80 Townmate in order to save money. Initially I missed the performance and desirability of the ZZR, but the frugality of the T80 more than made up for this. I do prefer the metalic blue ZZR oposed to the burgundy ones.

I am tempted to buy another, but won’t. I am content with my economical CG125.

TheDandylion74: @67PontiaccGTO yep me 2 still do ona daily basis