Siemens Smart Chopper

Posts Tagged ‘Siemens’

Exact Iron through Collaborative Manufacturing

Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

As a heavy equipment manufacturer, you want to build exact iron that is high performing, quality, and easily serviceable.  The only way to do this is by integrating manufacturing process planning with design and engineering so that downstream errors are avoided, and production is optimized; we call this collaborative manufacturing. Please see our Collaborative Manufacturing website for more detail on how Siemens PLM can help you deliver exact iron every time to your agriculture, construction, and mining customers.

Mission-Driven Machines through Advanced Machine Engineering

Siemens at EVS26 – Recap

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

EVS26 was a conference and exhibit event for electric vehicles and the electric drive industry. The topics covered included; Electric Cars, Electric Vehicles, EV Charging and Refueling, Auto Marketing, Environmental Policy, and Transportation Policy. The event included:

Presentations, workshops, seminars and keynote speakers.

A Ride, Drive Charge event, where the public and registered attendees could test the latest battery, plug-in hybrid, and fuel cell electric drive vehicles, bikes and scooters.

Exhibits from EV automakers, technology developers, manufacturers, infrastructure companies.

Now that everyone is back home, I wanted to give you a brief recap of the show.

First of all, the booth;  Wow!    As you can see, it was gorgeous, and packed with Siemens technology.

Siemens Displays included:

Drive Technology solutions: Information on Siemens’ motors and inverters.

Private Charging solutions:  Showcasing VersiCharge line of products

Commercial charging solutions: Showcasing variety of public charging solutions

Siemens Smart Chopper

Electric highway technology (eHighways), showcasing the new environmental way heavy duty trucks can transport items from ports to metropolitan areas.

Industry Automation solutions: optimal and sustainable battery manufacturing process.

EV design software solutions

An electric car that is an electric conversion performed by local engineering students utilizing Siemens PLM software during the EcoCAR competition.

Siemens Smart Chopper. An all-electric chopper built by the famed American Chopper group.

Siemens also had a large number of speakers at the conference, including Daryl Dulaney CEO, IC Sector.

How the Smart Grid will power Electric Cars – Video

As an EV/Alternative fuel enthusiast, I was extremely excited to see this glimpse of the future.

If you want more information on Siemens at EVS26  Click here.

Siemens Smart Chopper
Siemens Smart Chopper
Siemens Smart Chopper
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