Choppers – Part 3

Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb

American Chopper Build Off

December 07, 2011 Josh 11 Comments

Well I watched both episodes of the American Chopper Build Off and it was mostly what I predicted here. Of course both Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. didn’t even really build their bikes they had their crews do it as they made very few appearances and of course neither of their bikes are actually ride able! As for Jesse, I do have to agree with Paul Jr. on one thing it wasn’t Jesse’s best work compared to his Motorcycle Mania and History of the Chopper Builds but it was 20 times better then what Paul Sr. and Jr. built.

Some of Jesse’s best Work

Before I did watch this build off somethings surprised was I didn’t know that Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. have two different shops since I have only ever watched one episode of American Chopper in my life. Most of the build episode was expected a lot of scripted drama between Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. pretending to hate each other and get mad when one says something about the other online.

Of course Jesse had to be himself and trash talk the Paul Sr. and Paul Jr. even though I’m not huge on listening to trash talk I have to agree with what Jesse said; Paul Sr. and Jr. are not bike builders, they just order parts and put together show bikes that never actually get ridden and call themselves bike builders as where he makes most of the parts himself, he makes his own gas tanks, fenders and frames all from scratch and does all his welding. The only reason most people watch American Chopper is just for the Drama so thats what sells which is probably why Biker Build Off ended since it had true builders but it had no drama.

For the actual contest its self it was a big show inside the hard rock where the had the 3 builders on stage to trash talk and show old clips of American Chopper for an hour before they finally announced the vote.

Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb

Though I did agree with what Jesse said when he kept telling Paul Jr. that they should both go and ride there bikers before discovery announces the winners. Of course Jr. doubted Jesse’s could ride but I think hes proved that here   and here .

Overall I think a few things should of been done differently, First Thom Beers should of narrated it would of made things sound much smoother. 2nd A ride to Vegas all the way to the Hard Rock should of been part of the contest.(It was probably kept out since only Jesse’s bike could actually ride).

Lastly at the contest Brett Wagner should of been the host and for the 3 judges one guy from Indian Larry’s Shop, Cole Foster and a guy from Ironhorse should of been the judges so we have actually motorcycle experts not a actor from the show “Sons of Anarchy”.

Of course this didn’t happen since this was not Biker Build Off this was American Chopper so we got 3 total hours of Scripted Drama. The ending should of had this .

The real winner, the bike that can actually be rode

Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb
Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb
Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb
Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb
Big Bear Choppers Athena 100 Carb
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