Qwika – Moto Morini

Moto Morini 3 1/2 V
Moto Morini 3 1/2 V

Morini Motion

Morini Motion it is the name of one company Italian that he constructs motorcycles with center in the city of Casalecchio di Reno in province of Bologna.


In 1925 Mario Mazzetti it gave the task to Alfonso Morini to plan and to construct one motion of 125 cc, M.M. 125 cc . with which the same Alfonso Morini run and won for along time various official competitions and conquered various world-wide Records. In 1937 Alfonso Morini decides to undertake in just the activity of motion constructor and it is made to liquidate from Mario Mazzetti.

It comes founded Morini Motion that to the beginning of its activity dedication to the construction of three-wheeler vans, then strongly demands. In 1939 the Morini was asserted in the field with M610 . sturdy three-wheeler van with transmission to they rebuke, lubrication to dry Carter and change separated. Once again it is the war to stop Alfonso, that it is found forced to convert the factory for the war construction, what that continues until to 1943, when a strafing oadsteads to the ground the building.

As soon as ended the war Alfonso Morini he recommences endured to work to the motion that he has always loved, it resumes the activity in 1946 to Bologna in via Berti, and it introduces T125 . single cylinder of 125 cc, like the first motion that constructed like M.M. It is immediate happening.

In 1947 it is born T125 Sport . From former pilot and valid planner which was, being the competitions only the half then existing one of pubblicizzare a brand, Alfonso Morini does not lose time and begins to compete. Already the successive year, 1948, Raffaele Alberti bachelor Italian Champion Lightweights motorcycle piloting itself one Morini Motion 125 Competition . The successive year the happened one comes repeated with Umberto Masetti. This motion, single cylinder to 4 times already then able to turn to 10.000 turnsmin, in 1952 it gives the first successes of World-wide Championship in Great Prize of the Nations and in Great Prize of Spain .

These valid motors to 4 times arrive also on the production motion, whose first expression is 175 .

It is 1955 when you increase productive necessities deriving from the successes trades force them the Morini Motion to move itself in new situated a productive one, always to Bologna, in via Bergami. From 175 it derives Settebello Short Auctions . to whose guide toes make one’s debut in the competitions (in 1961 to the Trento-Bondone where a sure one was classified second) Giacomo Agostini of Lovere in province of Bergamo, destined to become one of the greatest pilots than all the times. In 1962 Settebello Short Auctions it gains the Italian Championship Cadets and the successive year the Italian Championship Juniores on track and the Italian Championship Juniores on road.

At the same time Alfonso Morini, Dante Lambertini and Nerio Biavati develop the faster single cylinder motion of the world, 250 Bialbero able to win already to the contest of debut with Emilio Mendogni. In 1960 to the guide of 250 Bialbero it arrives Tarquinio Provini, that in the two years succeeded to you Italian Champion will graduate itself. In 1963 the onslaught begins to the World-wide Championship 250 cc and to the then imbattibili ones Honda.

The dream to gain the World-wide Championship vanishes but for single two points, although the lacked participation to some contests and a banal one malanno Tarquinio Provini to the last contest.

As far as the mass production, in years sixty they know great spread They clear up 100 and Corsaro 125 . motion conceived for uses it street and utilitario. But the sport spirit Morini Motion emerges newly when from this last one it comes derived Fast Corsaro . that it will come then declined in varying innumerevoli sport ( Competition . Sport . Lusso . Super Sport . Country . Regolarità . this last vincitrice of Six Days International of 1966 in Sweden and of It samples Italian Regolarità to you of 1967 and 1968). Also the motor comes consequently revitalized increasing of the piston displacement to 150 cc and the performances, placed side by side cleverly from a model of income of inferior piston displacement, Corsarino 48 .

Alfonso Morini dies in 1969, the redini of the Morini Motion they come taken from the Gabriella daughter.

In 1970 the planner arrives who will become the innovator and the same spirit of the Morini Motion in the years to come, the Ing. Lambertini Franc, coming from from Ferrari. It sees therefore the light the new and revolutionary ready propeller to equip the longest one and varied series of motorcycles that will be made all over the world to appreciate for the successes to you twenty years.

The chosen architecture is that one of the bicylindrical one to Vlongitudinal with an angle between the two cylinders of 72°, an optimal compromise between the balanced solution more to V than 90° and that one to V decidedly strait, more favorable in terms than I block. The distribution to auctions and balances optimally spouse with the valves parallels, and in first years seventy, much before the definitive affirmation of the distributions to 4 valves for cylinder, it is a solution that still allows to gain powers sufficient detailed lists for i motors of series.

To confirmation of that pack-saddles to remember that with little more than 100 CV/liter the 350 Morini revealed the faster motion of its category, remaining such for it varies years to you. This bicylindrical one boasted valid solutions, al same time to the vanguard and inusuali for the age, like the strap for the commando of the distribution (first motorcycle motor to the world to employ this solution) and the clutch record to dry, prerogative then of the motion from competition. It comes introduced to the Hall of Milan of 1971 creating great clamour.

The successive year around to this motor succeeding of the history of the Morini Motion is born the motion of greater: 3 1/2 . To found succeeded continuation of the largest one, 3 1/2 it comes placed side by side in 1974 from 3 1/2 GT from the corsaiole characteristics.

But one of the greater innovations of Lambertini was the fact to conceive motor 350 cc like modulating, from which with investments minimums other plans derived numerous between which 125H with single cylinder motor and 500 GT . 500 Sports and Sei-V bicylindrical.

In years eighty several the models have endured numerous modernizations, above all stilistici, unfortunately trying to emulate the new tendencies of sol the Levant, and gradually losing the appreciated and sobria Italian classic line, but riscuotendo in any case a good ones succeeding between the customers more attention to the contents that to the conditionings from the mode.

To place side by side the line of the street ones, in the meantime widened with two single cylinder ones from 125 and 250 cc and two bicylindrical ones from 250 and 500 cc, it is decided to prepare one 500 give enduro, Camel . This motion, prototype of one long and fortunate series (also in the version Kanguro of 350 cc), it demonstrated optimal dowries and it allowed to gets passionate you of the Brand to be touched itself newly to its to appear in the new and seguitissime competitions in the desert like Paris-Dakar or the Six days ofIsland of Elba, where collected a beautiful one happening in front of the Honda contenders.

Resuming the narration on the production Morini Motion it is arrived to the second half of years eighty, when, always thanks to the versatilità of its propeller, it does not have problems to follow the new market trends that see a decrease in the field enduro to favor of the models of U style.S.To. known like Custom. New brace of models is born therefore one, draft of Excalibur in versions 350 and 500 cc that become therefore the motion of tip of the production Morini Motion.

In 1989 they come then introduced New York . always declined in same the two piston displacements, from more pleasant the less extreme line but also. Always in these years from a restyling of the previous ones Camel and Kanguro XE the last one enduro of the from Bologna house is born, Coguaro . that great spread did not have one.

Moto Morini 3 1/2 V
Moto Morini 3 1/2 V

This motion mounts the last bicylindrical evolution of the from Bologna one, with cylinders to integral cane dealt to nichel silicon carbide and an effective starter place in front of the base, since the solution adopted in the previous versions was critical and little effective. This version of the propeller equips in 1988 also last 350 the street one, Dart (constructed for the foreign markets also in the version from 400 cc) from the pleasant but impersonal line, inasmuch as the new property Cagiva it has been limited to mount in the ciclistica of its Arrow 125 the bicylindrical Morini Motion.

E’ exactly in these years, exactly in 1987, that the cession of the Morini Motion is come true to the Castiglioni siblings, holders of the Cagiva group, and already owners of the brand Ducati. The hope of Gabriella Morini was to see therefore thrown again the motorcycle house.

The technical responsible Frank Lambertini in the second half of years eighty had planned a new motor, once again the modular architecture, with previewed piston displacements of 350, 500 and 750 cc, to two cylinders to V of 67° longitudinal, distribution monotree to chain with 4 valves for cylinder and cooling to liquid (the drive shaft had the disposed hinges of connecting rod so as to to make them to work like a V of 90° to only hinge in order reducing to the maximum the vibrations).

The prototype of 720 cc distributed 86 CV to 7200 turns. The Cagiva direction was demonstrated lose interested to this new propeller, ditching definitively every hope of I throw again of the brand. Lambertini franc determined therefore in 1989 to leave the Morini Motion in favor of Gilera of the group Piaggio.

The production stops in 1993.

The brand, abandoned in the wine cellars of the Ducati that in the meantime (1996) it had been yielded from the Castiglioni to the group American TPG (Texas Pacific Group), it comes rispolverato and yielded in you open them 1999 to Frank Morini Motor S.p.To.. where in the meantime the craftsman of the most recent Morini successes is landed also, Lambertini Franc. Onlooker the fact that the Frank Morini Motor S.p.To, specialized in the production of motors for motion to 2 and 4 times, it has been founded in 1954 from the grandson of Alfonso Morini.

E’ recent history the reconstitution of the brand and the factory Morini Motion to Casalecchio di Reno that has carried to the realization of two new motion naked: Corsaro 1200 and more vintage 9 1/2 .

Corsaro 1200 . naked of new generation, beyond that of a splendid ciclistica and remarkable aesthetic characteristics (the line is of Luciano Marabese of Marabese Design ) chain is equipped of modern a bicylindrical one to V of 87° of 1187 cc to 4 valves for cylinder with mixed distributiongears from ca. 140 CV. This motor, called Bialbero Corsacorta for its peculiar characteristics of bore and race, it is designed once again from Lambertini Franc, returned to its old love (the Morini Motion) for rinverdirne it makes you.

9 1/2 one introduces a distributing motor with the same mechanical characteristics but of 998 cc power of ca. 105 CV.

The range puts into effect them

Corsaro 1200 (1187 cc) 2005 –

9 1/2 (1187 cc) 2005 –

Moto Morini 3 1/2 V
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