Car enthusiasts love watching drag races and, at times, enjoy experimenting thrilling top speeds in their vehicles. Drag racing is taking over the world as one of the loudest Motorsports, and many people want to venture into the sport throughout Europe and America. However, just like any sport that has its rules and requirements, this one has several that one has to learn and adhere to before being declared fit to race.
Drag racing car rules
• Your racing car must be neat and presentable at all times. While having a few advertisements on your vehicle is allowed, one is cautioned against putting inappropriate advertisements and messages, and any vehicle with such is denied participation.
• There is a set speed limit of 10 M.P.H that every car should observe at the pit area, staging lanes, and return road. Burnout are strictly reserved to burnout points, and only dragster vehicles are to burnout across the starting area, and any other dragster who does this risks disqualification.
• Tech inspection is mandatory for any drag car, and once passed the check, they are allowed entrance to the facility. It’s important to note that after this process, there will be no refunds or exchanges.
• Every racecar must have a class designation and competition number displayed on the windshield and large enough to be seen. The race number is required to be 6 inches high on the sides while the rear and front numbers are required to be 3 inches.
Rules are there to ensure everyone’s safety while trying for those top speeds, and throughout the completion. Always ensure that your drag race car is frequently checked by a professional often and not only when the races are impending.