Fuel System Spare Screws – Honda Valkyrie GL1500C GL1500CD GL1500CT GL1500CF

Honda Valkyrie

Fuel System Spare Screws – Honda Valkyrie GL1500C GL1500CD GL1500CT GL1500CF

Fuel System Spare Screws

for Honda Valkyrie 1997-2003 GL1500C GL1500CT GL1500CF GL1500CD


=9 FAT screws that fit 98% of carb bowls (18 screws used there)

=9 NARROW screws

good fit for 2% of carb bowls (18 screws used there)

fit all CV Diaphragm Covers, although these are a little short (18 screws used there)

good fit for the Original Petcock Diaphragm (4 screws used there)

These screws have these features

zinc plated steel with a clear chromate finish

captive split lock washer

standard Phillips #2 head

What is the List Price of this? Honda charges $2.50 per screw.

There are two sizes of bowl screws. How do I know in advance what size is required?

Honda Valkyrie

Rumor has it that early bikes (’97-’98) are likely to have the NARROW screws, while later bikes (’99-’03) are likely to have the FAT screws. The facts are hard to pin down. This kit has both styles of screw, so you’re covered no matter.

The top of the carb has a shiny chrome CV-diaphragm cover, held on by 3 screws. The CV screws are NARROW but TOO LONG to be used for the bowl. The enclosed narrow screws are a little short for the CV diaphragm cover, but they will work fine if you don’t tighten the heck out of them.

How do I get more Detailed Information on this?

Our informational web page is still under construction: www.ValkParts.com. This product is near the bottom of the first page.

Product Usage

These screws are used a spares

What is the Big Deal?

These screws are made in the USA to ISO standards, which means that they really are Phillips head: A #2 Phillips screwdriver actually fits them. There is a picture of this on the informational website. Honda’s early screws may be somewhat unhappy with use of a Phillips screwdriver, if they were made to a Japanese JIS standard (with a shape more like the old Reed-Prince than like Phillips).

Here is a web site with a nice picture comparing Phillips to Reed Prince (JIS seems to have cloned this): www.woodyboater.com Lot of folks have some totally bunged up screw heads on their carb bowls, because somebody tried to unscrew them while the carbs were still on the bike. Same thing for the petcock screws, as some people seem to have recurring problems with their petcock, and repeated disassembly reassembly of the petcock can result in messed up screw heads, and those screws don’t come with the rebuild kit. Red Eye is supplying these screws to get rid of yet another minor irritation that impedes maintenance of the Valkyrie’s fuel system.

Honda Valkyrie
Honda Valkyrie
Honda Valkyrie
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