Insight: an 2000 arctic cat four wheeler, 300 size..adjustment..valves…

Arctic Cat 300 4x4
Arctic Cat 300 4x4

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What would be your question ?


Is there any thing particular that the quad is doing, like not running. stalling etc etc ?


I hadn’t started it four about two months, and right now it won’t even start. This is a typical symptom and when I have taken it to the shop I have been told that it is common and needs adjusting every year or so. Right now it is getting spark and fuel


Is the ATV sitting up for an extended period of time and after you try to start it. it will will not and you are taking it to the repair shop and they say that the valves or something else need adjusting. Is that correct. Will the ATV start on choke ?


yes that is correct, no it will not start on choke right now


After the atv has sat up for more than a few weeks, it does not require a valve adjustment. A valve adjustment will come in so many miles or hours, not just because it sat up. You are having carburetor trouble from fuel varnishing.

I will explain that.


If that shop is telling you that they are adjusting your valves every time, I would find another mechanic because they are ripping you off.


Did the ATV run fine before it sat for 2 months ?


Arctic Cat 300 4x4

I honestly can say that it hasn’t run fine since after the first year or two. since then it has always been finicky, hard starting, etc. One of the problems is, yes, I probably let it sit too often between use. over the years it will go 2-4 months without being ridden. I have only taken it to the shop probably 2-3 times in 9 years, but each time I have been told they do minor valve adjustments and then it does seem to run OK (never like new unfortunately)


I can mess with the carb and get it running after a while, I would just like to under stand these fine tuning valve adjustments and be able to stay on top of it from year to year.


The best thing I can recommend is a service manual, if you will be doing all your own work. The second thing I suggest, is a carb clean and a really good one. ANSWER:

If the unit has been sitting for an extended period of time. if it has been more than a year since the carbs have been serviced or the fuel system has become contaminated with dirty fuel. The first thing I would do is service and/or rebuild the carb with new parts, as fuel becomes old and gummy just after a few weeks and can block the jets and passages. The carb should be removed from the bike. disassembled correctly and dipped in carb cleaner.

I recommend the Yamaha carb dip because it works. Yamaha’s Carb Dip needs to be mix 50/50 with warm water. Also Yamaha Carb dip will not affect rubber parts like other carb cleaners will. After you dip the carb it will need all jets and passages to be verified with spray carb cleaner to make sure the fluid will make it through the intended passage and exit another passage. Use a piece of small wire to clear the jets out, hold the jets up to the light and you should see a perfectly round circle.

Most of the time the pilot jet is the one that becomes clogged and gummed, therefore csusing a lean, no start or choke needed operation. To prevent this from happening again, I like to use fuel stabil in the system, when properly ran through the system can be effective for up to 10-12 months, but will not gurantee anything at all.


Don’t forget to remove the old fuel from the fuel tank and replace the fuel filter on the bike if it exist.

The machine only has 2000 miles on it, and it will only go 500-600 miles before it becomes hard starting and then needs adjusting according to the arctic cat dealer

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