Ducati 98 TL

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high-performance styles including an

ergonomically designed Tour Back-

pack with expandable helmet pocket

and the long-distance Transporter

packing cases. The unique, contoured

designs are made from Tumi’s ex-

clusive, abrasion- and stain-resistant

Hybrix fabric. The product has been

featured at department stores like

Harrod’s and at Tumi stores around

the world. In addition it has also been

seen on the arms of celebrities such

as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.

Most recently Ducati has teamed up

with sportswear powerhouse Puma

to develop a true ‘Moto Lifestyle’ ap-

siasts with new motorcycle apparel, with Oakley for the manufacture of

parel collection. The first fruits of the

new video and handset-based games, branded sunglasses. The project was

Puma-Ducati collaboration – the Pani-

and new forms of moto-inspired en- wildly successful right from the start

gale sneaker will arrive in stores this

tertainment. and a natural fit since Oakley had al-

spring. The shoe has been designed

Increasingly, the company is looking ready been sponsoring some existing

by Puma with creative input from the

to new product areas toys, model Ducati riders in Superbike racing. To-

Ducati licensing team. The ‘Panigale’

bikes, performance eyewear, luggage, day, virtually all Ducati riders (both in

name, in fact, refers to Borgo Panigale,

branded apparel and more, many of Moto GP and Superbike racing) sport

the Bologna suburb where Ducati has

which are created in conjunction with Ducati-Oakley high performance eye-

had its headquarters since 1926.

licensees. This expands the Ducati wear. Like Ducati, Oakley is known for

Taking inspiration from Puma research

brand in innovative ways, pushing out technical and design excellence – par-

on Moto GP boots, the Panigale has

the traditional boundaries of the mo- ticularly the quality of its lenses. Ducati

an outrigger on the forefoot, remi-

torcycle world. believe that Ducati-Oakley glasses are

niscent of the foot sliders from the

“Together with our licensee part- the perfect choice for motorcyclists

competition boot entitled Moto 1000.

ners, we are building a dynamic, di- who want flair and function.

In addition, it has an exo-skeletal sup-

verse world around our motorcycles Recently Oakley has created a unique

– a veritable “World of Ducati,” says

David Gross, Creative Director of

the company. “From riding schools to

racing clinics; from expanded Ducati

clubs to businesses like Ducati Per-

formance; from a racing museum to

once-in-a-lifetime experiences like the

World Ducati Weekend, Ducati is cre-

Goggle for use with Ducati’s new Hy- port structure in the heel, designed to

ating the most comprehensive experi-

permotard 1100. “The Goggle con- improve comfort without making the

ence in sport motorcycling.”

veys all of the extreme energy of the product heavier. With major involve-

“Licensed products play an increasingly

new Hypermotard,” says Gross, “and ment from Ducati design, the Panigale

important role in the galaxy of activi-

it offers great protection for those uses key elements from some of the

ties and motorcycle related products,”

who flip open their Ducati Arai Chase most contemporary bike designs. The

says Stefania Clapci, Ducati’s Licensing

helmets.” shoe is built around a 360-degree

Director. “We work closely with our

Another landmark Ducati deal has graphic, which represents the famous

partners to create products that ac-

been the creation of high performance “racing stripe” on the S4Rs. Materi-

curately reflect and enrich the riding

luggage with Tumi, a leader in their als are also based on Ducati bikes

experience. We are strongest when

product area. Designed in conjunction including the glossy leather upper,

we create items that convey all of the

with Ducati’s licensing department, the carbon-optic heel construction, and

excitement of a day at the racetrack

Ducati Tumi “Race” collection features es traditional white, black and red colour

when you can almost smell the rubber

award-winning design, cutting edge combinations which are taken directly

of the tyres on the tarmac.”

performance and technical excellence. from the motorcycles.

Many of Ducati’s most successful part-

Ducati 98 TL
Ducati 98 TL
Ducati 98 TL

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