alternator voltage output what is the voltage output of alternator to battery when idling and 2000 rpms
charging the battery what is the easiest way to get to the battery for recharging?
If you have a battery charger, remove the battery cover to expose the battery terminals then you can connect the battery charge to the battery.
Hyosung GV 650 wont start. Battery is fully charged and starter don’t even click when trying to start? bike wont start. Battery is fully charged and starter don’t even click when trying to start?
2008 Hyosung GT650S I think my side stand relay is causing my bike not to start. The Stator was replaced recently and the battery seems to be holding a charge fine. Sometimes the bike just won’t start either in neutral with side stand down or first gear with side stand up.
I think there may be a short, but if it is the side stand relay, wouldn’t it start in neutral because the circuit is completed while in neutral. Sometimes my bike with just magically start after i kick the stand back down, reset the kill switch, turn the key to off position and then restart the entire process, but at the present time the only way i can start it is bump start in second gear. the bike is under warranty but the dealer is a real **** and i would rather not deal with him anymore. Could you please give me a few ideas to try, I am in the navy and just want to be able to ride to and from work so that i can save gas, i bought this bike with no miles, i’ve only put 1000 miles on in 2 months, but i bought the bike new so i wouldn’t have any issues, and i have too many issues. anything will help, THANK YOU
Hey there. I have a 2008 hyosung gt250r motorbike. I just took it on a long ride today and on the way back i was almost home until the bike started coughing. it would suddenly loose acceleration, but if i let the throttle off then accelerated again it would go for a minute or so until it would just completely seem to loose power causing me to have to pull over on the side of the road. any suggestions on what it could be. possibly the fuel pump. cheers

Don’t start battery is good
The poor performance of the engine can be due to faulty settings. So to start off we need to check from the fuel tank. Check if the fuel contains impurities and specially water. If so this can come up with the pumping when the tank gets empty and produce misfiring, splutter and jerks.
So a check on the fuel filter will confirm this as it will be seen, if so remove and clean tank and change the filter. We then come to the carburetor as the fuel mixing
Now use a strobe to check the Timing on the engine. Adjust if needed to see the TOP DEAD CENTER-TDC- mark. If there is valve noise make sure that the tappets are set properly so that the valves seat firmly for the best compression.
Also check compression of engine if there is imbalance on the engine or reduced power.

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