All things Bajaj (Chetak & Legend) :: Vespa and Bajaj compatibility

Bajaj 125 Classic

I am in the same dilemma as well and beginning to grope my way thru it all if u know what I mean

I got a ’99 Classic SL btw

One of the hardest things to source seems to be Bajaj specific switches, only now are Royal Enfield Spares on ebay UK carrying ’em, trust me the Vespa ones won’t fit but there are work arounds such as replacing the headset with a early P range one or like me, until my switches arrive, bodging an old PK toggle type switch underneath the gear shifter as the indicator turn lugs break off. (Actually what I just said isn’t quite true, underneath the throttle switch is a screw hole that mates up with the P range switch, you have a gap around the switch but it will mount on there )

A P range mudguard will fit on with a bit o’ jiggery pokery, cowls are specific but you can move the lugs or drill out new rearward holes if you want to adopt the non turn type cowls.

Gaskets and seals are freely available thru eBay, have to work out if yours is a 2, 3 or 5 port set, cruciforms and clutches are standard stock as well as woodruff keys. Plenty Oil seal kits on eBay for for Sprint or Bajaj, pretty much unchanged, dunno about cranks and stuff like that, I imagine if a big end goes its the same method of cracking the crank and replacing the con and bearing before putting em back together, I have a sneaky suspicion that the internals are pretty much the same especially if the seals are identical for the Sprint over Bajaj, that suggests precisely identical seating and bores etc.

Electrics are a little bajaj specific, CDI, rectifier etc are all Bajaj, Royal Enfiend Spares reckon they can source what you need in that department including stators and magneto flywheels. If you change it to a Vespa P range, you will need to cross over with the engine loom and work out using specific P range (or other model) engine electrics, mating things like kill switches, ignition circuits, charging circuits, mains feed etc. Large frame engines from Vespas should fit in the cavity and mate up with the mountings pretty much OK.

Don’t know about the starter motor but the aperture is in the same place as the Vespa one and fits pretty much the same so simple replacement I would have thought.

Special selector box with neutral switch might be a little rare if its specific fit to Bajaj.

Cables and stuff like that are bog standard Vespa, fuel tank is again bog standard, I bought a KN filter for mine that fitted straight on, it replaced a Vespa air filter and the carb I got is a Dellorto carb.

You can replace exhausts with Vespa ones including racing stuff using a bolt on stub adaptor, SIP did have some, I still haven’t ascertained whether my barrel is a standard Vespa one as the stub is mounted on the barrel or someone has grafted a Vespa stub onto a bajaj cylinder.

There are wiring diagrams out there for the Classic SL, fairly easy to work on, connectors are a little stiff due to the expected road conditions, rear carriers are different pattern to Vespa but a little work with some support brackets sees them fitted on nice and secure lol

Lastly, those holes in the floorboard are there for a standard large frame runner set, simple to fit and you can lose the silly floormat if thats what you want

Forks and suspension are pretty freely available out there, the anti-dive forks are superior to the P range ones.

Vespa Backrest

Simonini Racing Exhaust

Notice too how the cowls look in contrast with the tired paint on the frame? £8 tin of spray hammerite smooth brought the cowls and mudguard up like new

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