Hyosung GT250 Comet How To Save Money And Do It Yourself!

Hyosung Comet GT250

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speedemon103: haha awsome, it was between this and the ninja, adn i went the cheaper way and got this. thankfully i have not regreted that decision yet

Moto Truitt: Can a make a 200mile Trip on this bike

primecreator: Nice vid and agree with your comments. One of the largest 250s available. Makes it look more like a 650 than a 250 and good for taller riders. Handles well and has just enough grunt to stay out of trouble.

The new fuel injected ones look even better. Often bagged by other riders but overall an excellent starter bike and one you can hang on to for a while afterwards. Thanks for posting.

Jasononeill1992: dude i was thinking about getting this but would you reccomend it for me im like freakishly tal like 6ft3-4?

WhereDidItRun: Well, they say that hyosung is not reliable enough. I mean a lot of stuff gets broken, or starts to rust comapred to japanese tech. How it’s from your experience?

You see I’m planning to get my first bike, I want 250, but becouse of my height (6’5) I can’t get kawasaki ninja.

Teake Cramer: you sound like chris from family guy lol

pdx650: Sweet 250. I like this one and the 650 gt.

MrILGaming. why the freak didnt you get ur self a ninja 250 R u mad bro? why did you buy a chinease bike?

Yeebok: You sound utterly wasted. dude. ) Hyo’s a nice starter, I have a 2005, flat chat it does 148km/h. for all the crud people put on them they *are* decent bikes.

speedemon103: @Yeebok hahaha i get that ALOT, most people say i sound high though, ii swear i was 100% sober though. adn i agree, the hyo is a great starter bike. i moved up to a 06 636 but i still have the hyo. teh other day me and my buddy were messing around and took the can off it. it was soo loud and sounded sooo good. not only that but we got that thing up to 105mph too haha

D61664: Nice bike. but the Kawi 250r is better any day. especially the 2008-2010 model..but this is an Honest Bikes.

thomas3718: Hey man, I’m 6’5 as well and just getting into riding. Can you recommend any bikes since you wrote this 2 years ago??

Hyosung Comet GT250

speedemon103: Thnx bro, i love this bike and ur right alot of pple so put this down. i think mostly cause its korean and not jappaneese (haha however u spell it) though ill admit some of the exterior parts are sorta cheap, like if u drop it chances r the end of the shifter r gonna break off but i just used a bolt and it works awsome. plus the engine is bullet proof, even with nearly 8000 miles on it now

Yeebok: @speedemon103 I highsided mine about 13 months after I got it, so it got a bit bent outta shape. In the process I had to take the muffler off – it ran like a Harley (sounded like crap and stalled. lol) but seriously it sounded awesomely blatty. I love my bike.

I’d love any I reckon, but your first is always special (lol).

speedemon103: @WhereDidItRun yea ur pretty tall for them lil ninjas. u probally need to go sit on a hyo and make sure u have enough leg room. as for the bike yea there are cheap parts on it but its got 1 tuff lil motor in it. ive beat the crap outta mine and with 17000 miles on it that lil suckers still arunnin

WhereDidItRun: Would forget 250 sport bikes if I were you. D If budget is not the problem, honda NC700X would fit perfectly. I’ve started from honda varadero 125, which was somewhat underpowered, needless to say.

Currently I’ve have sold mine and looking to purchase yamaha TDM 850/900 next year, or if I’m lucky this year.

Bajker4ever: can you please tell me, whats the speed in 5th gear on 6000rpm

Moto Truitt: Sorry can it make a 200mile trip

Moto Truitt: And is it Reliable

Hyosung Comet GT250
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