What do you think about this video?
Mr Bandit: great. gotta love them banditsп»ї
Fernando Hernandez: youll never need to change gear!
scorpion251970: No clutch lever?
cycleworldmagazine: @Mikes1800 You’re right, we should have mounted a rear facing camera for all to see the 150 yr/old redwood i felled. BTW, it darn near landed on me but only cracked the tailight lens. DC
Mikes1800: I was hoping to see a stump pulled lol
frankfan42: Like an old big block chevy for motorcycles! Great low end power, useful for street riding that most of us do in reality.
James Curl: I bought one and liked it so much I bought another one (one for sport, one for touring) – you can see my farkles by searching on redonkilaus. one of the best machines Suzuki has made – can’t wait until they bring out the GSX1400FA water cooled. That should pull some serious stumps in 6th gear!
Aim Bandit: I got my new Bandit 1250 FA it true that i really enjoy riding it. So fantastic n perfect with my ride. Excelence bike!
frankfan42: Like an old big block chevy for motorcycles! Great low end power, useful for street riding that most of us do in reality. Have been looking to get one of these and this helps make my decision a little easier.
cycleworldmagazine: @MaleficZ Nothing unusual with the gearbox ratios or overall gearing. Obviously, taking off in 3rd or 4th is pointless other than to demonstrate the bike’s low-end grunt. However, I certainly find casually pulling away in 2nd to be very smooth and easy on this and many other bikes.
Particularly good with a passenger on board if you wish to be ultra smooth. DC
drumsalltime: @scorpion251970 he does have a clutch lever but its directly behind the left handlebar so that its not int he cameras line of sight, however, then he starts to ride and the camera angle changes (0:32) and you can see him releasing the clutch lever
Mikes1800: @cycleworldmagazine only the rear lens? Then no harm, no foul