1:12 SCALE 1958 BSA Gold Star Clubman
The Minichamps 1:12 scale model of the 1958 BSA Gold Star Clubman has got to be one of their best yet. The attention to detail is astounding and BSA lovers everywhere will undoubtedly fall in love with this model straight away.
The model is a must have addition to any model motorcycle collection as it is simply supreme.
As with all minichamp.com models, all the suspension on this model work like the original, with spring shocks on the back and gated spring shocks on the front that depress when you put a small amount of pressure on the bike.
The levers and pedals don’t move, but as its a relatively small (around 180mm long) display model and not a toy, this is quite acceptable.
As I do repeatedly emphasize, the excessive detail on this model make up for any compromises though.
The BSA big single engine and single exhaust make this bike unique in my model collection as all other bikes are at least a twin cylinder.
The engine detail is up to Minichamps.com high standards as usual, in the images shown above and below you can even see the fuel tap and wiring to the magneto, the spark plug cap is also intricate as it sits atop the plug. Minichamps really excelled themselves with the amount of detail on this scale model.
The BSA logo is even stamped on the foot pegs! a magnifying glass is needed to read it though as its pretty minute. The detail is so good on this model that at first glance these photos do resemble the real thing.
When I showed this model to my Father, who was a BSA rider in his younger days, I nearly didn’t get the model back! and he couldn’t fault the detail on it. However, because these models are relatively small at 1:12 scale (about 180mm long) the chain doesn’t move but is ‘fixed’.
With 1:10 scale model bikes though, the chain normally actually drives the rear wheel around. These models are strictly display pieces though, so lots of moving parts are not necessary.
All of the switches, including fuel and choke levers are present and are wired up correctly. From the angle of the photo above I can image myself tweaking the throttle, dropping it into gear and cruising off!
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