Exclusive: Jesse James Is Relaunching West Coast Choppers. at Cyril Huze…

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Exclusive: Jesse James Is Relaunching West Coast Choppers.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with Jesse. For you my readers, he gave me the exclusivity of a huge announcement for the custom motorcycle scene. He is relaunching West Coast Choppers. It is almost 4 years that the brand was silent, but the brand equity or goodwill that Jesse owns with West Coast Choppers never faded, quite the opposite.

The more difficult it was to order a custom from him, buy one of his parts, or a piece of his logo gear and clothing, the bigger the WCC brand grew, both here in the US and abroad. A name and a brand encompassing through logo, image and perception the best of what is the Chopper Kulture.

Jesse was telling me how much he continues to be moved by the support and encouragements he receives. Yes, he is very sentimental about this, both humbled and still surprised by so much admiration. Is he just a “glorified welder”, the way he likes to described himself? Or much more?

Just read the positive responses he receives when he posts on Twitter (186,000 followers) or Facebook (59,000 people like him) or Instagram. In the mind of bikers, Jesse James and West Coast Choppers. separately and together, embody a promise about the products they are selling: true Chopper attitude,.the real stuff with no BS…

We talked about the period when WCC became too big, too fast. He felt disconnected, drifting away from what he loves to do the most: just building stuff. So, the relaunch of West Coast Choppers is done with a completely different perspective. Not approaching the new business as a race to get bigger, to sell more, but a more qualitative one.

1- Offering exclusive parts, accessories and biker wear he can deliver without huge back orders. 2- Keeping time for himself to build bikes or whatever goes through his mind  (in a wide spectrum), to design parts, to ride with friends, to travel to a few select shows just for pleasure not for professional obligations. Just enjoying his professional and personal life…

A new West Coast Choppers website was built and is intended to be the “Base Camp” of all what Jesse has done and of all what he is doing right now. It is already filled with what can be called “The WCC Archives”, a gallery of almost all his famous bikes and rods, memory pictures, etc. And of course an online store under a so Jesse James slogan “Give Money.

Get Stuff” and where you can place orders for exclusive custom parts, accessories, and clothing, ladies not forgotten. WCC does worldwide shipping and has already distribution representation in Tokyo, Barcelona, and Amsterdam. West Coast Choppers. more than a famous brand in the motorcycle industry.

A State Of Mind continuing to federate all those who love, build, and ride custom motorcycles.

West Coast Choppers Dominator
West Coast Choppers Dominator
West Coast Choppers Dominator
West Coast Choppers Dominator
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